Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Oh Sleep, my long lost friend.. We meet again.

So here we are 2 weeks post surgery.  Sleep..  My dear companion.  While I am forced to sleep on our reclining couch I have still been getting a full nights sleep with diminishing drug intake. (Side note: Percocet is EVIL - stuff makes me nauseous to say the least.)

Pain is diminishing, although at the surgical follow up today Doc told me 2 more weeks in the sling of shame and then off to rehab. So the rub of all of this comes down to, you're not in your 20's anymore, stop doing stupid shit that is going to hurt you because you are not going to bounce back from it anymore and you are going to be in pain for a very long time annoying the people around you for even longer making them want to put a pillow over your head while you sleep for sweet peace in their lives..  or something like that..

So now that I have actually been able to remain coherent for more than 2 hours at a time initially following the procedure, I have managed to actually get a few letters out.  Been actually through some acrobatics, been able to hold a book and read some before dozing off in a pain killer induced coma (light).

Well folks - all I can handle at the moment - night night time.  Ice packs here I come..



  1. I laughed as I read. Poor old thing. You don't know ole but it's all relative, huh?

    Glad you're better and don't need pain meds. It's all good from here on. Recovery is a many splendored thing.

    Take better care. :D

    1. Ole is creeping up quicker than you think. I'm one off fiddy in a month and injuries have more than accelerated the aging process. More on that in a bit.
