Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Of Little Giants

 Well, Dawn and I were off again over the past weekend.  Got a few letters out (I'm back :).

Started off at the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, then off to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum.

We finished off our day at the San Jose Giants, adding to our Ballpark Chaser Journey this year.  It was Margaritaville Night, Hawaiian Shirt Giveaway and Fireworks night - Lovely weather  (around 64 end of game) and one of the best ballpark experiences for a Single A park.


Friday, July 26, 2024

Of the Junior in Ranger..

 Have you ever participated in the Junior Ranger programs in the  National Parks??  Well Dawn and I have been availing outselves of this fun activity each and every park we visit.  Bonus, we (attempt) to get the booklets and badges for her entire class she teaches.

We came up with the idea while I was traveling for work and Dawn was tagging along in Dallas.  She wanted to visit the Silo (Magnolia) in Waco and while on our way there, we found the Waco Mammoth Dig site.  Fairly new as far as National Parks/Momuments go - Only 5+ years old and an active dig site.

With the help of the Rangers, we were able to get the booklets, Dawn made an entire virtual field trip for the kids and we sent off the forms.  The Rangers sent us the badges for the kids and they could not have been any more excited.  We sent off the pics to the Rangers and they as well were very happy to see the joy on the kids faces.  Popular enough that the other teachers in her school have asked if she could do the presentation in their classes as well.. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Don't pet the fluffy cows..

 Our most recent trip involved touring the National Parks in Wyoming, Montana, North/South Dakota.  7 days and over 4000 miles - but Dawn put in an hour :).

We managed to get in:

Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Little big Horn, Badlands, Windcave, Jewel Cave, Devils Tower, National Grasslands, Minute Man Missile site and launch facility, Theodore Roosevelt, Mount Rushmore as well as Deadwood and Jackson Hole.

I will be announcing our National Park trips going forward.  If you would like a postcard from the park with the Seal/Stamp for the passport books - Let me know.  We participate in the Junior Ranger Programs at every park available.



Monday, December 5, 2022

Of walks in the rain...

 So, it's holiday time, again..

Just spent a lovely weekend up in the redwoods area of Northern California where they hold a night walk through the redwoods lit by luminaries. (this is leading up to the visitor center)

A wet weekend but in my mind - LOVE IT..  There is nothing like walking through the woods, under the canopy and listening to the rain.  ON our drive back, it was a nice SLOW drive through the Avenue of Giants.

For a few lucky folks that request one.  I have a bunch of stamped postcards from the National Park center while visiting..  

Our next adventure is coming up at the end of the month at one of my favorite locations in Washington State at a Getaway House - No - Phones, Internet, TV a disconnect.  When working IT for a living, a disconnect is needed..

Write soon,   D

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

I, I, I, I Got the Rona..

 Well, Rona FINALLY got me.  Not to bad (your mileage may vary). Vaccinated?  YUP, and then some - 4 shots loaded.

We will NOT get into any debates on science here.  The shots were always meant to keep you vertical and NOT in the hospital.  So in that respect, mission accomplished.  For the most part, I (started) with heavy fatigue and headaches.  Progressing to really bad headaches/body aches, to feeling like I was swallowing razor blades and now down to a really lingering cough (all told in week 2.5 now) but getting better daily.

Sleep is my friend.  

Is he writing again.  Yup, catching up and have 2 out today alone.  Wanted to make sure I'm not passing along the Vid.  Thought you'd all appreciate that!

So what are we all reading lately.  I mostly stick to chick-lit.  Why, because I' a big girl that's why.  Love the happy endings.  Same reason I watch Rom-Coms.

Some suggestions of late:

Love Hypthesis by Ali Hazelwood

Very Sincerely yours by Kerry Winfrey (also check out Waiting for Tom Hanks)

You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle - I laughed out loud with this one.

Party Crasher - Sophie Kinsella (couldn't get into this one - Rare for one of her books) 

That's all for now folks..Till next round.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Oh where hath though been??

Covid, Life and all that other stuff.

It's funny how things can go sideways and yet through the murk and mud, something good can come out of it. 

Here's to a new chapter and renewed interest in getting to know some new folks.  

Let's get this party started again.  My address is still the same and will respond to any letter sent.

Hope to hear from some one friends and meet some new.  SOOOoooo.. Much to fill in on.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Oh Sleep, my long lost friend.. We meet again.

So here we are 2 weeks post surgery.  Sleep..  My dear companion.  While I am forced to sleep on our reclining couch I have still been getting a full nights sleep with diminishing drug intake. (Side note: Percocet is EVIL - stuff makes me nauseous to say the least.)

Pain is diminishing, although at the surgical follow up today Doc told me 2 more weeks in the sling of shame and then off to rehab. So the rub of all of this comes down to, you're not in your 20's anymore, stop doing stupid shit that is going to hurt you because you are not going to bounce back from it anymore and you are going to be in pain for a very long time annoying the people around you for even longer making them want to put a pillow over your head while you sleep for sweet peace in their lives..  or something like that..

So now that I have actually been able to remain coherent for more than 2 hours at a time initially following the procedure, I have managed to actually get a few letters out.  Been actually through some acrobatics, been able to hold a book and read some before dozing off in a pain killer induced coma (light).

Well folks - all I can handle at the moment - night night time.  Ice packs here I come..
